Pheasants Forever Fond Du Lac - Habitat Page



2024 Adopt a Wildlife Are

Fond du Lac County Pheasants Forever Chapter 582 recently (Saturday, April 27th) hosted a habitat workday at Eldorado Marsh as part of the chapter’s participation in the Wisconsin DNR’s Adopt A Wildlife Area program.  Chapter members, local high school trapshooting team and outdoor club members, and other volunteers spent the morning working on habitat maintenance at various locations in Eldorado Marsh.  Wood duck, kestrel and mallard hen houses were placed throughout the marsh.  Students from Fond du Lac, Laconia, Lomira, and Winnebago Lutheran high schools helped in the construction and placement of the houses.  Additionally, signs were placed throughout the marsh, as well as general cleaning of parking areas. The morning concluded with lunch at the Dike Road parking area. More habitat projects are being planned.

The Fond du Lac chapter of Pheasants Forever is committed to Pheasants Forever’s core mission of conserving pheasants, quail, and other wildlife through habitat improvements, public access, education, and conservation advocacy.

Special thanks to:  
Anevay Muchko, Pheasants Forever Farm Bill Biologist (Southeast region)
Trap team members, coaches, and parents from Fond du Lac High School, Laconia High School, Winnebago Lutheran High School   
Outdoor Club members from Lomira High School
Wisconsin Building Supply (Materials for houses.)
FDL PF chapter members
Community volunteers

Local Habitat Efforts

Local Habitat Efforts

Pheasants Forever Fond Du Lac County Chapter's members are truly passionate about creating, preserving and restoring habitat that benefits pheasants, quail and other upland wildlife. This unique model empowers local chapters with the responsibility to determine how 100 percent of their locally-raised conservation funds will be spent.

Whether it's through improving habitat, informing the public about land management or educating future generations of hunting enthusiasts, conservation is the underlying principle in all we do at the grassroots level. The Fond du Lac County Pheasants Forever Pheasants Forever Chapter has partnered with the Wisconsin DNR in participating in the Adopt A Wildlife Area program at Mullet Creek State Wildlife Area. The Fond du Lac County PF chapter raised funds and participated in a habitat restoration and maintenance workday in late September. Chapter members, along with Schueffner family members, help clear an area in an effort to restore an upland habitat area. The Mullet Creek area has been dedicated to the memory of Trent Schueffner, a young man who lost his life in a hunting accident a few years ago. Trent's friends, family members, and local PF members put in over 50 hours of work, cutting, clearing and hauling brush to enhance the upland habitat. Additionally, several Fond du Lac county landowners have participated in the chapter seed program to develop good wildlife habitat, not only for pheasants, but all wildlife. This program will grow as we get more landowner participation.

Join Our Chapter

Preserving Our Natural Resources

Preserving Our Natural Resources

Creating, restoring, and maintaining habitat is a constant battle. We invite you to join the Pheasants Forever Fond Du Lac County Chapter of Pheasants Forever in its quest to ensure a country rich in natural resources and long on people willing to work to preserve them. After all, natural resources - pheasants, quail, and other wildlife, plus the land, air, and water on which they live - are our greatest resources.

2025 Photos & Text Copyright - © Pheasants Forever Fond Du Lac County - 582 - Pheasants Forever Web Design

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